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BRAND NEW !!!!!!! Cones and lights

Create your own experience during training or other events.

 Here, only the imagination sets limitations.

 Colored cones (30 cm high) that you can put lights inside (can also be used without lights).

 The lights are rechargeable, with their own case that you connect directly to 12 volts in the car, or to the socket (230 volts) when they need to be charged.

 Sold complete with 6 cones (as many colours), and a case with charging and 6 lights.

 (Will be delivered with 2 identical colors of each cone)

 Price DKK 2,500

 Also available in 50 cm high cones.

 Sold complete with 6 cones (as many colours), and a case with charging and 6 lights.

 (Will be delivered with 2 identical colors of each cone)

 Price 2795.-

 Loose cones

 30 cm high (as colour, blue, green, yellow and orange), price NOK 99 per piece

 50 cm high (as colour, yellow, red (empty at the moment), green and blue), price 149.- per piece

 Case with light and charging option

 Price 1995.-

 All prices include VAT and shipping

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